If you do ever to decide to join me at one of these events, here’s the order form for merch!
Recently, I booked my hotel for a trip I’m taking to Toledo, Ohio next year for the Authors and Dancers Against Cancer event. ( Hitting the button to confirm my stay at the hotel was harder than I’d like to admit.
I’m not a good traveler at all. I make lists of things I need to take and things I need to do before I leave home and still stress that I’ve forgotten something important. I’ll pack my bag and then unpack it to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything - and I’ll do that over and over again for a week before I’m even scheduled to leave! I’ll pore over maps and travel sites so I know my landmarks and hopefully won’t get lost. I read everything I can find about the hotel where I’m going to stay and watch the weather and crime reports for that area like I’m planning to become a resident.
It’s stressful and unnecessary, but I just can’t seem to stop myself.
I’m content to stay at home in the town I know like the back of my hand while the rest of the world goes on adventures and discovers new places. I get enough adventures reading books and exploring new worlds that way. Everyone else can deal with packing, driving, traffic, construction, an uncomfortable hotel bed, and all of the other stuff that goes with traveling. I’d rather just stay home with my books, my coffee pot, and my dogs.
But I can’t do that. I’ve got to branch out. There are people out there who love my books and seem to want to meet me in person. In order to do that, I’ve got to pack my bags and go on the road, at least occasionally. If I could invite everyone over to my house for coffee, I’d do that instead, but it’s not really feasible. My neighbors get pissed when there are cars parked up and down the street, my parrot cusses at strangers, and my dogs would never calm down if I had that many guests over at one time.
So, instead, I’ll make plans to venture out of my comfort zone and travel to unknown parts to meet new people.
As scary as leaving home might be, I’m starting to get excited about it. I love talking to my readers on FB and enjoy hearing how the stories I’ve written have brought them laughter and even tears. I like to know that they enjoy what I’m writing, and I’m very flattered that they’d even consider going somewhere to meet me.
I’ve got a year to prepare myself before this big event, and since then, I’ve signed up to appear at quite a few other venues both before and after the Toledo adventure. I’m hoping that people show up, and my trips aren’t for nothing. I’m also hoping I learn to be a more laidback traveler and not stress quite so much. We’ll see. I might just go ahead and start packing now.
It’s not too early to shop for new luggage, is it? I’m thinking something shiny and black . . . maybe with skulls on it . . . and it needs to roll. Hmmm.